As Judy says, hope creates miracles. By focusing on the things we can control, we can become more self aware and create a better life for ourselves. Listen in, and look forward to your future with hope and enthusiasm.
S07 | 12 – Showing Up for Yourself with Jahaan Blake
Jahaan Blake joins me on this episode of the podcast to talk about showing up, even when it isn’t easy. Even when it isn’t comfortable.Even when you just don’t think you have it in you to make your goals a reality. Because that’s how you make progress!
S07 | 11 – Turning Tragedy into Hope with Maggie Lam
Today’s guest, Maggie Lam, is here to tell her personal story of not only persevering through tragedy, but using it as a catalyst for growth. Maggie believes that experiencing hardships is an opportunity for transformation and to bring about a better version of yourself. It’s not that you never allow yourself to feel sadness, grief, anger, or any other emotions, but you allow yourself to experience them, process them, and then accept what has happened and decide how to move forward with intentionality.
S07 | 10 – Forging Your Own Recovery with Corinne Simpson
Recovery isn’t one size fits all. You may have to break out of the box to forge a way to your recovery. That’s what today’s guest, Corinne Simpson, did, and she just recently celebrated her 20th year of sobriety! Despite her respect for programs like AA, they just didn’t work for her and what she wanted from her sobriety, so she found something that did. You can do the same.
Listen in as she shares the amazing possibilities and options for recovery that are out there, and how she was able to forge her own recovery and rebuild her life to be what she wanted.
S07 | 09 – Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver with Moira Cleary
Many people fit into the role of “caregiver”, such as parents, children, and leaders. But something that all different types of caregivers tend to have in common is that they are so focused on caring for others that they stop caring for themselves in the process.
You have your own journey and your own story as a caregiver, and it is not selfish to recognize that and give yourself space to just be yourself. Because caring for others is not all that you are or do.
S07 | 08 – Finding Your Seed of Hope with Karen Styles
These negative feelings of anger and despair might seem discouraging to you, but Karen Styles joins me on the podcast today to share why they shouldn’t be.
What you’re seeing as frustration on the surface, could actually be a seed of hope inside of you, telling you that there are better things to come. Learn how to uncover that voice and find the motivation you need to make a change in your life.
S07 | 07 – Creating Change in Education with Dr. Maureen O’Shaughnessy
That’s why today I’m joined by Dr. Maureen O’Shaughnessy, an education activist working to change the current landscape of education. Her educational model is built on a foundation of love and compassion, focusing on human-centered learning that prepares kids for the “real” world, while giving them the tools they need to thrive as their authentic selves.
Tune in to learn from her years of experience in education and success stories from her students, as well as ways that we can all make a difference and create change in education to better support our future.
S07 | 06 – Living Life Without Fear with Shama Yunus-Joynt
After the loss of her child, Shama experienced a transformation in herself that allowed her to move forward with strength towards the life she wanted to live. Her perspective on the future changed, as she had lived through her worst fear and survived it.
S07 | 05 – How We Fuel Our Bodies to Function with Natalie D’Adamo
Natalie believes that transitioning into a “clean” lifestyle is a manifestation of wanting more for yourself and the rest of your life. Listen in as she shares how small changes in your diet can be transformative in your overall life and health.
S07 | 04 – Living Life Outside of Expectations with Scott Blasken
Are you living your life to fit the expectations of others, or are you living it for yourself, your joy, and your passions? Feeling obligated to live up to the expectations and demands of those around you is a mindset that so many people fall victim to. Scott Blasken joins me on the podcast today to share how he was …