Awesome! I'm super happy you're going to complete the Emergenetics Profile!

The Emergenetics Profile has had such an important impact on my self-awareness, the way I show up in the world and how I interact with others. My husband took it as well so we could communicate better, learn how each other's brains worked and have more compassion and patience by recognizing and celebrating our differences. I am a certified Emergenetics Associate and I am proud to teach you more about Emergenetics.

To take the Emergenetics Profile, click the link below. It'll take you to the Emergenetics website (external to my site) where it'll ask you to fill out the form, enter your Control Code and complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire typically takes about 20 minutes to complete but allow yourself as much or as little time as you need. Once you finish, I'll be notified and will email you a copy of your Profile. If you'd like a hard copy of your Profile mailed to you, enter your mailing address on the registration form as well.

The Control Code to enter is: loysrj

CLick to Complete your Emergenetics Profile

Love you to join my private Facebook group specifically for Self-Awareness Superheros, people who have taken the Emergenetics profile or participated in one of the workshops. It's a safe and respectful place to meet other Self-Awareness Superheros...and no sales pitches! Links to this group and other great stuff below!

Self-Awareness Superhero private Facebook Group

Emergenetics has a great app if you’d like to download it to your mobile phone – through a fun, interactive experience, the Emergenetics+ app dynamically facilitates effective communication and interaction by providing clear-cut personalized tips based on the unique attributes of any person’s Profile.

With the Emergenetics+ app, you can:
• Connect with co-workers and friends who have an Emergenetics Profile
• Compare Profiles for similarities, differences and interaction recommendations
• Access practical communication tips to improve collaboration
• Create and save groupings of multiple Profiles
• Share Profiles and customized group reports
• Access Emergenetics guides and work templates to apply Emergenetics in daily interactions with your colleagues.

Learn More