S04 | 10 – Motivated Action with Sean Crump and Derek Deacon-Rogers

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My definition of hope is “the future will be better than today by taking action over the things we can control”.

The average person walks through life completely unaware of how accessible (or inaccessible) the world around them is for others. But the reality of life for many people who have unique characteristics and needs is that the world is not super inclusive, leading to feelings of otherness and anxiety.

But luckily, there are amazing people working hard to change that. Today’s guests, Sean Crump from Universal Access and Derek Deacon-Rogers from GenerousSolutions, are taking motivated action to create more inclusive spaces that can accommodate every person. Their future is a world that is more inclusive and accessible to all, and their hope for this has catapulted change as they’ve taken action to make it happen.

Listen in to learn more about the work they do and actions you can take to be more inclusive in your own life.

About Sean & Derek:

Sean Crump is an accessibility and universal design industry expert and an inclusion collaborator. After breaking his neck in 2004 from a diving accident, he now lives his life with quadriplegia and utilizes a wheelchair to optimize his independence. Sean has dedicated the better part of his professional career committed to bettering accessibility and inclusion in society. As founder of Universal Access (UA), Sean’s goal is to create communities where all people feel comfortable conducting daily tasks, participating in social events, and contributing to their economic well-being as though spaces were designed to accommodate all people regardless of their unique characteristics.

You can follow UA on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Derek Deacon-Rogers is a Social Entrepreneur who believes in the power of business for good. He knows that we can use ingenuity to design and operate businesses that have a positive impact on our planet, our neighbours and our pocketbooks. As founder of GenerousSolutions, Derek created a barrier-free ticketing and registration platform that has raised over $1.4 million dollars for local Nonprofits. As a volunteer Board member, he has helped the Volunteer Centre of Calgary (propellus) and Children’s Link digitize their services – enabling them both to become social enterprises, to start earning revenue and reduce their dependence on government grants.

You can follow GenerousSolutions on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Mentioned in this Episode:

Lindsay Recknell | Expert in Hope | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram

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