Everyone struggles with mental health at some point in their lives. And while conversations surrounding mental health are becoming more normalized in society, there is still a long way to go in regards to support, advocacy, and ending stigmas.
Unfortunately, that lack of support and advocacy leads to many people falling through the cracks until they feel they have nowhere to go.
Today’s guest experienced this, and has now made it his mission to help provide the support he needed to others. Keith Harrison wanted to become part of the solution, so he changed his career, got the help he needed, and now works to open healthy dialogue surrounding mental health so that people feel comfortable seeking help when they need it.
Listen in to learn how you can also be part of the solution, both for yourself and for others who may need it.
About Keith Harrison:
As a police officer for over 15 years, Keith made the decision in 2018 to put himself first and take time away from the job. He knew he was struggling. He did not know the extent, but he knew he needed time. Keith recalls crying because he knew that by doing this, he would never be seen as the same strong officer again, but instead as a “broken toy”. The system he gave everything to and sought help from seemed to refuse to see him as a human in pain.
Since 2018, Keith has fought everyday and now, after help and support from amazing new friendships and top programs, he finds himself loving life and wanting to help others. Keith created Tier Response so he could be a part of the healthy change towards Mental Health amongst 1st Responders support programs and services, and be the person he wished that he had years ago to reach out to. Tiergear is the apparel that funds and supports 1st Responders and their Mental Health.
To learn more, visit his website and connect with Tier Response on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Mentioned In This Episode:
- Semicolon Punctuates Mental Health Awareness
- Project Semicolon
- Tier Response
- Better Than Today
- Find more Hope resources
Lindsay Recknell 0:03
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Hope Motivates Action Podcast. I’m your host Lindsay Recknell. And I am super excited to introduce you to this week’s guest, Keith Harrison.
Lindsay Recknell 0:13
Keith was a police officer with the Toronto Police Department for 15 years when he drew deep on his hope and made a decision that positively changed his life for the better. In 2018, he realized that he needed to be the number one person in his life, so he could stop struggling and really thrive in the life he was given. As part of his recovery journey, he founded tier response apparel company, a brand to promote and support mental awareness for all branches of first responders, and the supporter of first responders.
Lindsay Recknell 0:41
Through his company, Keith is contributing to the programs and services he wishes he had at the beginning of his journey, and truly believes that by creating his tear one, that means that others won’t have to feel so alone, more about this and so much more in my conversation with Keith. So without any more preview, let’s get into it.
Lindsay Recknell 0:58
Hello, Keith, welcome to the show.
Keith Harrison 1:00
Thanks, Lindsay. Great to be here.
Lindsay Recknell 1:02
I am super excited to have you here today. Ever since we started speaking, I get so excited about your story and the things that you’re doing, kind of in response to your own mental health challenges in the past. And I’d love for you to share with us a little bit more about how you use hope to motivate action in your life.
Keith Harrison 1:23
Gosh Well, I just again, just want to start off with saying it’s an absolute privilege is to be here to speak with you today and kind of be a guest of your audience. Hope motivates actions.
Keith Harrison 1:33
Yeah, a little bit of about me and my background. I’m a police officer. I’ve been a police officer in Ontario in the GTA area for just over 15 years. And it was, I guess, that the kid dream to be a police officer to be in the community helping and try to make a better place. Over time, I was exposed to quite a bit of trauma in calls where I thought I was doing well. Other things that I wish I had got a little more guidance and support from that never seem to kind of happen.
Keith Harrison 2:07
So when you know, things started to kind of snowball and really stack up for me and I really didn’t have the acquired learning base of tools, resources, you name it, to kind of deal with I everything I was dealing with, from night terrors and all that stuff. I kind of took it upon myself to reach out. I thought I was going to go in the right channels.
Keith Harrison 2:35
However, I guess I guess I fell through the cracks per se, I didn’t get look that the way I thought and I just had my moment there where I was either going to get the help I needed or, unfortunately, kind of end it. I’m so blessed and grateful that I chose the route that I did. Because in that journey of recovery and traumatic growth, I have come across human beings that you would only think belonged in heaven or some other place because they’re just super special and supportive.
Keith Harrison 3:12
And part of my recovery I had and still do a lot of points of how much am I going to be a link in the chain for mental health for first responders support and advocacy going forward. Lots of my time I was kind of thinking will angrily and selfish about Well, I had to do it on my own. So I have tools now I’m gonna let everyone else kind of do their fight because I didn’t seem to kind of get the support I needed. And that’s kind of selfish talk. I felt unhealthy. And it’s not part of who I am as a heart on my sleeve type person.
Keith Harrison 3:54
So I started to kind of think about what I could do to start giving back try and be part of the solution. So that essentially, my act of service and all this is for me to really be that person that I needed 10 years ago for someone else if that makes sense to you. So I thought of like how I can represent the change so that people can courage and continue or open dialogues of healthy communication around mental health and as a first responder, you know what something that I could wear or represents in public that would feel comfortable for someone to wear, not just in feeling but also in look so that it would spear that conversations I hope so why not have the negative connotations when it comes to supporting first responder payroll or whatnot where someone likes to give their two cents rather than a full value of support.
Keith Harrison 5:00
That’s a tier response came from, you know, tier response. First Responders know it’s driven from dispatch call, which requires multiple or all services to come together on particular incident to work together to lean to grow, to share, to guide to address a problem, I think if we approach the mental health issues, stigmas in it’s your fashion together, we’re all stronger, right in it together. And one thing that I’ve always kind of input it in my life is the semicolon. And what powerful, not just image, but really understanding what that is amongst mental health and your wellness. When you see me talk about it.
Keith Harrison 5:51
So you know, writers seem to get all the glory when it comes to the semicolon because they’re like, super smooth, you know, in their words, and it’s all like, free flowing. But even they get writer’s block, right? So when they get writer’s block, what do they get to do is to kind of take a break, right? So they can collect themselves, they insert that semicolon. So we think about that semicolon in our own lives, right? We’re cruising along, everything’s great. Everything’s going wonderful. And we hit a snag, right? It’s a tragic event. It’s a loss, it’s a tragedy, it’s whatever, we’re not feeling, right?
Keith Harrison 6:23
Well, instead of hitting that period, and ending things, right, let’s just insert that semicolon. Let’s insert that in a powerful way so that we can talk about how we’re feeling we can expose ourselves to our friends, we can get the help we need, without feeling like we’re being judged. Like we’re, it’s okay to be okay with not being okay. So, so we can forge on, right, we can gain the tools, we can build the resources so that, you know, our journey doesn’t end, we’re just kind of taking a break. And that’s okay.
Keith Harrison 6:54
And I really feel the message with that amongst first responders, because all this gear basically, is an act of service. So that, you know, first responders can wear and feel seen heard in a healthy way. But that really, the goal of this is the exposure towards mental health and really funding trauma programs and services for first responders and their families. So that we all live the best life, right?
Lindsay Recknell 7:27
Yes. Amazing. I love it. I love, I mean, you are that is the epitome of using your hope to motivate action. Right? I, I remember you telling me the story of how you got to this place where it was either going to be a semicolon or period. And you chose the semicolon route where you, you know, changed your career got the help that you needed. And, and then decided that you weren’t going to let others sort of fall through the cracks that you did, that you were going to do whatever you could do, to raise awareness and to give voice and to give programming and funding to those that could really need it. Those coming up behind you.
Lindsay Recknell 8:15
As you know, my mission in this work is something very, very similar. And so it your story really, really resonates with me because you are taking action over the things you can control. And to response apparel company is that control, right? You are creating these, these shirts and hats and all the things so that you can raise money, but also raise awareness. And that’s beautiful. That’s amazing. Thank you, thank you for your service truly, both as a police officer and also now in this second career of your life and what you’re doing, what you’re doing in your work.
Lindsay Recknell 8:49
Now. A couple of things that you mentioned in your story there, I wanted to dig a little bit deeper on so the idea of the semicolon. That’s something that I’m familiar with working in this space, obviously you are too and for listeners who aren’t as familiar, we will link to some more information about that in the show notes. So you can read a little bit deeper. But I think that concept is really important the pause instead of the end. Is that something that you are consciously aware of now, as opposed to before? Is that something you’re you know, this concept of taking a breath? Is it something that’s new in this recovery journey that you’re on?
Keith Harrison 9:35
Yeah. Lindsay I just really wanna I truly appreciate the kind words that you’ve just said about me. They truly are touching. One part of my recovery is yet totally learning that tool. I’ve always been someone that isn’t really shy about voicing their opinion both in favor or in displeasure regarding things. And I have had many times in audiences where maybe that breath would have been a little bit more appropriate to take before just kind of the air in that, you know, fight response.
Keith Harrison 10:17
But a lot of it came down to programs, both peer support and individual with my psychologist, who I absolutely love so much. She says, that’s all me, but I couldn’t have done it without her. And that’s something that, you know, in program where you really understand, or someone really kind of teaches you the fine art of the body’s mechanical response when it comes to the fight or flight. Since like, you know, it’s lizard brain that kind of comes out, you have this little character, this little brains that comes out, and it’s just like fighting mad.
Keith Harrison 10:53
But really, times where, you know, again, I’ve been in those situations, and I’ve kind of said things, and I get like, small, like very quiet cheers. Or, like, once it’s all over, someone’s like, yeah, man, that was awesome. But no one’s cheering me in the room, because they’re like, Dude, you’re on an island, and no one’s gonna have that raft with you, like, you’re on your own. Like we said, the fifth you but I’m not backing that up. And it’s true. And that’s okay. Right.
Keith Harrison 11:19
Um, so I knew all along that I was, I had quite a bit of appropriate content to say, but really kind of getting that, you know, teaching of like how to deliver it effectively, so that, when I do say it, that it’s going to be seen and heard, in the way that I’m trying to deliver the message and not be lost that with lots of arm movements, or loud noises or whatever, right, they can quickly like checkbox, you frame you in a way that they can think of you negative rather than trying to debate your points where they’re undebatable, right? undebatable, like you’re saying the truth, but it’s the manner of way.
Keith Harrison 11:59
So that was a lot, a lot of practice with, you know, doctors group therapy, my occupational therapist, just kind of taking that breath, because in our day, we have a multitude of things that presents us where we can respond, we can choose to respond, or we can choose not to respond, right? Sometimes the best response is no response. Because you don’t give somebody the power satisfaction over the control you have when you are in a situation. But and this is something my doctor always tells me and I’m really mindful of this all the way something happens to you and you want to respond.
Keith Harrison 12:38
Take that breath, insert that pause and think about what you want to say in after that break. After that pause. You want to go light somebody up, you want to go basically tell them the authentic without, you know, filter or whatever. Go ahead, own it, right, at least you’ve given yourself a moment to think about both times, I’m kind of cleaning up the language or cleaning up the response, but at least that’s something and it’s super mindful and at times, you know, if it doesn’t come away, you know, it’s it’s a conversation afterwards, right.
Keith Harrison 13:15
And it’s something where respecting the earned back or even created more trust in somebody because you’ve provided something and that they get to learn a little about you. And youth learn about that. Healthy and most times, most times if you enter any conversation with an open the heart mind. And without judgment and with respect. Lots of people can disagree on everything. I mean, just try ordering a pizza and try to figure out toppings right? There’s just there’s a different conversation right there. But at least no one’s holding grudges don’t want holding animosity or anger.
Keith Harrison 13:55
I leaving that conversation because you have your opinion, which you’ve explained to me and awesome. Every I value that and vice versa, right? You never want to take someone’s dignity away in a conversation. I think a lot of times when we approach people with mental health issues or whatever, it’s like, you must be off your bids and it’s so negative. And you’re basically taking someone’s digging away and I was just with a fantastic friend. And I always bring up conversations when it comes to you know, I think we’ve talked about before it’s like a year using your benefits, right? Like if someone goes to the dentist, no one judges them for like being an idiot who can’t brush their teeth. Right? They’re they’re taking their toothbrush and taking the role health for their overall health.
Keith Harrison 14:42
So why is it so negative when somebody wants to work on our mental health and they see a psychologist right. So why is it so often where people who are seeking you know to be better to thrive in a healthier mindful state. It looks so negative where simply because that person is giving support and learning to grow, we seem to see them as weak. And the people who suck it up. Potentially, they’re just, you know, they don’t want to deal with it. They’re in denial, which is everyone’s own journey. And there’s no judgment here whatsoever. We all have to take our steps when we’re comfortable taking steps, but really, as a society as a whole of a community.
Keith Harrison 15:25
Why is it so look negatively upon someone who’s trying to better themselves, and they’re looked as weak were somebody who could be suffering from the identical issues, that doesn’t seem to be out there showcasing that they’re getting help with that showcasing but even like admitting to close friends that they’re struggling to get help, why are they can seem strong, because they’re holding it in. Again, things that you know, with open dialogue and change that we can make sure that everyone feels comfortable seeking the help, when they need it for what they need it for.
Lindsay Recknell 16:00
Well, in that whole that I mean, that’s the language we use, the way that we deliver it, those conversations that we get to have that is the way that we continue to reduce the stigma, which is something I know that’s very important to you.
Lindsay Recknell 16:12
One of the languages, one of the phrases you use earlier is traumatic growth. And I’m sure lots of people have heard of, you know, trauma, of course, and PTSD and all of that. Tell me more about traumatic growth, and what that concept means to you.
Keith Harrison 16:37
Yeah, it’s something I definitely didn’t Columbus discover at all. It’s something that was again taught to me through courses and peer support and my own personal support team. But really, like traumatic growth is just, you know, this kind of 2.0 Keith, that’s been coined, I will give full respects to my occupational therapist for it, it was her thing that she kind of gave me this, like, this new 2.0 version of me, because the key that maybe people have known 10 years ago, 15 years ago, I have to appreciate their patience, because I don’t even know who that person is anymore. Because of my growth, right?
Keith Harrison 17:25
If someone knew me 10 years ago, and we’ve parted ways for 15 years, or the last time I, I really don’t know who that person is anymore, because it truly wasn’t an authentic version of myself. And with this growth that I’ve seen, where I am freely comfortable to expose myself with, with no sense of like, you know, ridicule, like, I don’t, if projects is gonna happen, I’m okay with it. Right?
Keith Harrison 17:55
Because I’m not so focused on that anymore, like I was before, where I had to be mindfully saying everything so cautiously because if I seem to upset one person, then that was one too many or, you know, you settle for less of your your value, when you go through life, so that you can appease others so they can have happy, right?
Keith Harrison 18:17
The one thing that I’ve learned in my traumatic growth is that no one is responsible for anyone’s happiness, we are responsible for our own happiness, it is our responsibility. No one can make you happy. They can make you happier, but they can’t make you happy. Nothing can make you happy, you have to make yourself happy. And there are so many times in my life that I didn’t want to feel pain, I didn’t want to feel sad, I just wanted to be in this numb like state. And I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t feel joy. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be happy.
Keith Harrison 18:52
Why, if I thought about it, you know, living a life as a police officer, kids, family, house dog, you know, like, there’s a kid out there that’s in school aspiring to be a police officer or something. And I’m living their dream, right. And yet at the same time, there’s no possible way that I can feel excited or happy about anything, because I have turned all that off. So then, you know, really turning back on those switches kind of baby step style.
Keith Harrison 19:22
Um, one of the things I remember early on is a clinician kind of sitting with me, and I straight up asked them, it was really comforting for me to because it was a guy. A lot of my support team are full of amazing, strong, beautiful, fantastic women. But I think not to diminish any of that whatsoever. But there really needs to be a strong male presence within mental health so that men feel that they it’s okay to talk and have that language is not feminized or and masculine, to talk about things but I remember sitting with him and just ask Asking the question like, how do you feel joy, because I just don’t know how to feel it, right, just numb to the whole experience of it.
Keith Harrison 20:07
And he took me outside, sat there, and he’s just like, I like to feel the sun on my face gives me joy. And I was like, why it’s like that is silly. Like, I had kind of almost to the point where it had to be like a ninth inning walk off, home run, to win a ballgame to get me jacked to get excited, right? It had to be like this epic level of excitement to kind of get me to feel happy, these low things that just state like, stupid pointless, like, why would I sit on the sound of my face, and we sat there, and it just that moment of like, having that face, and that more cascading through your body, and just what that feels like you just opening up your heart, and just really being present in the moment.
Keith Harrison 20:54
So these are all like things through the growth that I’ve had, and all these teachings that, you know, people might think, you know, questioning about in certain ways, but, you know, it’s, it’s my life, it’s my truth, my authenticity. Um, you know, through my trauma growth, I’ve really discovered my true value, right? And what self care is, and has not selfish. It’s so important that you have to really be mindful of like implementing a regiment, in your daily routines.
Keith Harrison 21:29
Because once we do something over and over again, it’s no longer a choice. It’s a habit, right, we’re not choosing that anymore, because we’ve done it so many times. It’s just second nature, right. And a lot of first responders, you know, work through repetition, through training through muscle memory, we are very, very wired to be exposed to a list type of learning. And if we just put those special, super wicked tools in there that we can build that muscle memory on, we’re not even choosing anymore, because when it happens, it’s automatically a habit, because it’s no longer a choice, because we’ve done it so many times.
Keith Harrison 22:11
So, you know, it’s just putting those little good things in there so that the good habits can be formed, and everyone can thrive and just live the best life that they’re entitled to live. Right. That’s all. That’s it now.
Lindsay Recknell 22:29
I mean, our brains are designed to be efficient. And so whatever routines and habits we can create in our life is absolutely, absolutely right. That muscle memory just makes it easy for us to do it unconsciously. And when you are habitually using her or putting routines around things that are going to make you feel better and are going to increase your wellness. Why would you not want to do that? Yeah, I’m 100% In agreement with that concept, for sure.
Lindsay Recknell 22:59
And interesting what you said about your traumatic growth, you know, I’m a believer that we get to go through hard times, so that we can come out on the other end of it. You know, the definition of traumatic growth is growing through trauma, and trauma, that definition of trauma, I want people to understand the definition of trauma is the unique to all of us. And it’s always there’s always going to be somebody in the world with more trauma, and there’s always going to be somebody in the world with less trauma, that doesn’t diminish the feelings of what you are going through. If it matters to you, it matters full stop.
Lindsay Recknell 23:39
Trauma is your definition is your response is your perception is your, your gift, really, that you get to grow through. And regardless of anybody’s opinion, regardless of anybody’s judgment around it. If it matters to you, it matters and you get to come through it and grow with it and come out the other side more resilient and giving back into the world and feeling more hopeful and all of those things. So I love it. I love a lot of what you just said there.
Keith Harrison 24:10
Yeah, Lindsay, you’re knocking on all points. I actually love it, you know, and that’s one thing that you know, when somebody when I first got the diagnosis, right, like, first of all, I was like, Okay, well, this, I have an answer, right? I have an answer to what I’m feeling. But as soon as I got the diagnosis, it’s almost like, you know, that young couple who’s wanting to get a mortgage to buy that house, right? We all want the mortgage. And then as soon as we get like, well, how the heck can I pay this off? Because I don’t want it anymore, right?
Keith Harrison 24:37
So I wanted to have an answer for all the things I was going through. And then I got this diagnosis. And then I was like, Well, no, I don’t want that anymore. Because you know, even though the answer is so many things that I can identify with, so that I can give reason to. It doesn’t help me because I don’t see myself as somebody that would be even possibly in the spectrum of having that I associated to me because, you know, I, my story in my tea and we never and I love how you’re brought up for playing traumas. And you don’t care because you never compare your tea, whether big or small to somebody else’s tea, right? You just never compare teas.
Keith Harrison 25:15
And I did that early on where I was like, Listen, man, like, I love our military. I love our military, I love people who sacrifice so much more than I feel like I do on the daily. I’m for my freedom. So it’s a quick correlation if a veteran was to get it, because I think community identifies like, Well, yeah, that that makes sense, right. But I didn’t feel like I had that. And really, it came time where I was with peer support. And, you know, just exposing myself and those vulnerable forms. And, gosh, it’s hard. It’s hard to open yourself up that way.
Keith Harrison 26:01
And, I mean, I had these amazing, huge, tall, bulky muscular guys, like, Dude, I just, wow, I can never do, I could never be a police officer, I could never do that. Now, this is like, it’s awkward, but like, I will look at you and think nothing scares you, right? Um, but again, it’s just that seeing being heard. Um, you know, in a non like, you never want to cheerlead somebody in group at all at any time.
Keith Harrison 26:34
But really, that just, it’s your trauma, it affects you. And, you know, it’s something you have to deal with. And you don’t need to explain it to anybody. Right? You don’t need to explain to anybody, and if somebody is going through something, the last thing you want to do is feel like you need permission from someone to feel
Lindsay Recknell 26:55
That’s so important. Oh, yes. Yeah.
Keith Harrison 26:58
Yeah. So you know, and we, and we do that at our journey, right? Like, you know, people who are struggling myself, there’s probably 14 years ago, where I should have, could have would have taken that time for myself. Um, and I did it. So we know, at our pace, we need to be comfortable. And when we get help, and not feel like we need to push anybody to get it, because that could be the reverse effects of someone seeking helping to recover. I’m just super glad that I did. And all the things that are abundantly happening to me right now, my life, just in personal, you know, connecting net, just neck, we’re just having this journey.
Keith Harrison 27:52
If I knew I knew this, like, I’m so grateful that all these things are here talking to you, with your listeners, that I stuck with it, I inserted the semicolon and just continue that multiple times just to keep inserting that. Because it feels absolutely wonderful to be at the place I am now. And it was something that it was more than a prayer and a wish that I ever thought I could ever, ever feel like this ever again. And I just want everyone to feel like this. I just want everyone to feel like this daily, right? I just want everyone to feel like this.
Lindsay Recknell 28:31
Yeah, if they say there’s that saying that says the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. And the second best time is today. Same that the same goal is the best time to take care of your mental health is 20 years ago, but the second best time is today, there is nothing stopping us from just starting. And when you’re ready, you know, you know that it’s never too late to get that help that you need.
Lindsay Recknell 28:54
Alright, Keith, we’re coming to the end of our time together. And as I prompted you, there is one question that I asked all of my guests. And that is, he’s what gives you hope.
Keith Harrison 29:06
Can’t believe the time is flying so fast, we must be having a heck of a good time. Um, what is the hope is that it’s a cheesy cliche that, you know, if I could do it, anyone can do and I don’t want to minimize it like that. But I just want and hope that in time I can be at tier response can be that strong link. It doesn’t have to be the whole chain. I don’t want to be the whole chain. But I want to be that contributing strong link in the chain for change.
Keith Harrison 29:41
And I really think if I do everything in my power to authentically speak from my journey to hopefully inspire somebody. It’s not my goal. It’s the act of service for other people but if someone Just who’s hurting today, who might be better tomorrow that I could be the tear that I’m trying to build can be that something for somebody, it gives me so much hope that everyone can see their true value, and really see their true value and know that they are absolutely so important to this world.
Keith Harrison 30:27
And this world is so much better, that they’re in it, at no time is the world less than if you were to leave, someone is going to miss you someone is going to hurt and not be happy that you are not around, somebody is out there. There’s always somebody has somebody. And if it’s not someone, it’s some thing, and go do that thing. Right? You just said it, you know, best time plan tree is 20 years ago, but let’s just plant that tree now.
Keith Harrison 30:57
And really, forethought, to really flourish and live the life that you want to live, because it’s your life. We only we die once, right? But we live every day, right? People say we only live once, but we live every day. So just start anew and just go from there. And I just, I really hope that everyone just catches the good vibes that in the good waves that you know, are out there and just smile, because the world is always a better place when people smile.
Lindsay Recknell 31:26
Amazing. Thank you so so much, if anyone that’s listening wants to get in touch wants to you to be one of the links in their chain, tell us how they can get ahold of you.
Keith Harrison 31:37
Yeah, so we’re, we have the social media platform. So we’re on Instagram, @TR_apparelCO that site is you know, link to tierresponseapparelcompany.com which is, you know, the shop that we have, where you can actually purchase the gear, it shipped to you directly. And then the social media sites are full of, you know, not just the gear, but like inspirational things, you were highlighting other champions, other PTSD survivors who I think are absolute champions, and really be the rock stars, who are the services who are the organizations that I wish to talk to every single one, you know, I fully open up the calendar and talk to anyone about what they’re doing.
Keith Harrison 32:22
Because I really want to, you know, highlight them and promote them in a way if you know, to expose what they’re doing, because so many times there are so many amazing programs on and people just don’t know about them. And the only way we can get out there is to really talk about and showcase like, Hey, if you’re in this area, this is here for you take advantage of it and not feel like you have to be less than or seem weak to take that.
Keith Harrison 32:45
So yeah, the gear is all there and you know, 20% gets donated to Wounded Warriors for their trauma program. So that’s really what it’s about, you know, I want those big check presentations and say that are here. We did this for this so that we can, you know, help everyone get the programs that are amazing.
Lindsay Recknell 33:08
Yeah. Well, you are amazing. Thank you. So, so much for this conversation I have I have learned a ton. I know I am feeling super inspired. And I know that the audience is as well. So thank you for sharing your time and your wisdom with us. And I look forward to continuing the conversation.
Keith Harrison 33:24
Lindsay, this was an absolute honor and pleasure and I so appreciate you and your time to allow me come on here and have this conversation because it has been a blast. Like we’re I just you’re gonna have me smiling for the rest of the day. There’s not much that’s gonna make me you know, found today because this has just been so powerful. And I absolutely appreciate and love everything you’re doing for this community and really inspiring people with hope because it’s so important. So thank you for doing that. I appreciate you.
Lindsay Recknell 33:53
My pleasure. Take care, I will talk to you soon.
Lindsay Recknell 33:58
I hope you enjoyed this latest episode of the Hope Motivates Action podcast. These episodes are a labor of love inspiring conversations with hopeful people make my heart happy. If you also love this episode, it would be amazing if you could go to Apple podcasts and leave a review five stars if you’re into it. It’s these reviews that encouraged Apple to promote this podcast to their network and the more people that listen, the more hope we can spread into the world.
Lindsay Recknell 34:22
Don’t forget to check out the show notes of this episode to find all the links to my guests books and other resources referenced in this episode. You’ll also find the link back to my website where you will find additional support and resources for you, your team and your community.
Lindsay Recknell 34:35
I truly believe that the future will be better than today by taking action over the things we can control and hearing from these guests on these episodes. I know that an even more hopeful future is totally possible. I’m always looking for inspirational guests so if you or anyone you know would like to be a guest on the show please reach out you can find me on the contact form of my website at expertinhope.com or by email at Lindsay@expertinhope.com
Lindsay Recknell 35:02
When I was a teenager and my sisters were leaving the house to go out for the night, I always made it a point to remind them to call me if they need me. It was my way to tell them that I cared and would always be there for them. I’d love you to know the same. So all of you listening out there, call me if you need me.
Lindsay Recknell 35:16
Again, thank you for your love and support of this podcast, my work in hope and your intentional focus on making your future better than today. After all, hope without action is just a wish.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Lindsay Recknell | Expert in Hope | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram
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