Hi, I'm Lindsay Recknell
expert in hope
Hope has an impact on both our mental and our physical health and in over 2,000 scientific research studies, hope has been identified as the key driver for success in school, in business and in life.
I’m a Calgary-based speaker, facilitator and mental health advocate who will teach you how your future can be better than today by taking action over the things you can control, using the Science of Hope.

learn about hope through Four main programs:
Self-Awareness Superhero
Designed for you to discover your unique self and learn how those awesome qualities are so valuable and affect how you see the world.
Created to spark hope and creativity, you’ll identify, prioritize and action your dreams and goals with a plan and some accountability thrown in.
Bucket List
I also share my message about hope – and practical advice – as a keynote speaker. My style is optimistic and positive with a focus on action and healthy dose of straight-talk.

How did I get here?
Great question.
I have a degree in entrepreneurship and have been my own boss for most of my professional life (thanks to my parent's encouragement many years ago – and their unfailing support ever since). I’ve collaborated on a start-up, spent (many) years in IT consulting and am the founder of a North America-wide online classified marketplace for the bridal industry (called Wedding Recycle).
All the while, I’ve had a keen interest in personal development. But my focus on hope – and the realization that my interest and experience in personal development could be applied to it – came out of a very personal journey.
I didn’t realize I’d lost my hope until the day I recognized I got it back.
Totally innocuous moment – driving along, minding my own business, when I experienced the proverbial “ah-ha!” moment. I sat up a little straighter…and then sunk right back down. Feelings of confidence, fright, realization and sadness washed over me in cycles. I like to think I’m a pretty self-aware person but how on earth did I not realize that I was feeling hopeless in my life - that my life had lost that positive expectation of the future?
To this point, I was feeling “fine”, status quo. Reasonably normal. Not comfortable, but functioning. Tolerating life but not thriving.
At the time, I was consulting 50+ hours a week (budget time, you know), maintaining my existing online business, working as operations manager for another small business entrepreneur and helping the company I consult through to build out a new service area in their business. At home, we were dealing with a lot too.
I’d realized that although I was still achieving at work, holding it together at home, my thoughts of the future, my drive and ambition to accomplish my dreams, had faded into the background and my tomorrow had lost it’s allure.
For the previous three years, my husband and I had been dealing with mental health and sobriety, a journey that taught us both a ton about brain science, the difference between mental illness and mental well being and how to cope, and thrive, when nothing seemed logical or stable.
It was this ah-ha moment where I realized what an impact our journey had on me as a person, as a wife, and the Science of Hope is what I used to get my Hope back. The Science of Hope is what I leveraged to make my future better than today by taking action over the things I can control.
My mission is to get people talking, teach self-awareness and brain science, and help as many people as I can use hope to motivate positive change in their lives
Though our circumstances may be (vastly) different, we all experience times when we feel awesome and also when we feel awful. It's how we respond to these feelings, the tools we pull out of the toolbox, that makes the difference between thriving or just surviving.
My work is all about helping you make tomorrow better than today by taking action over the things you can control. It's about progress and practice and habit and trying new things. I have been successful in my life by using these tools to grow and thrive and I want to share what's worked for me so you can keep thriving too.
Hope is a big motivator for me – the promise that my future can be better than it is today is what keeps me trying the next right thing.
Hope is what gives me courage to talk out loud, sharing my story for the possibility that it motivates someone else to share theirs.
Hope is what encourages me to keep learning, figuring out what I don’t know and teaching me the words to use during those tough conversations.
And hope is what gives me the confidence, and self-forgiveness, to acknowledge when I’m hurting, to understand that its relevant to me and my life, and that if it matters to me, it matters.

If this resonates with you, let’s chat. You can reach out or book a consult here. If you’d like to read a little more first, click here to learn more about my programs, here for speaking info, or here to read my blog or listen to my podcast.
When I’m not coaching clients or speaking to groups, you’re likely to find me on a dog walk with my husband and our two golden retrievers, Wylie and Squeak, running, cycling or spoiling our nieces and nephews, 12 of the coolest kids you’ll ever meet.
Can't wait to meet you!