Releasing Resistance with Larisa Makuch

S08 | 06 – Releasing Resistance with Larisa Makuch

Lindsay Recknell Hope, Podcast Leave a Comment

Now, when it comes to shifting the thought process I was studying. So I love studying, I’m sure you’re familiar with a lot of these texts as well. I can’t remember what I was studying. But it was I was studying something about re releasing resistance. And when I really came up with that idea, and when I really started to study that and started to think about that. That was the ultimate turning point. Because I had realized I had all this resistance, I had realized that the attitude I was presenting in the situation that the thoughts, the feelings, the actions, they weren’t aligned. And even though I pretended they were deep down, I knew my truth.

The Human Spectrum with Gilda Evans

S08 | 05 – The Human Spectrum with Gilda Evans

Lindsay Recknell Hope, Mental Health, Podcast Leave a Comment

We are all human.

And even though we each have our differences, we all share at least one thing in common. We will all face challenges, shortcomings, and trials in our lives. That’s the beauty of the human experience. And if we embrace it instead of trying to force each other into neat little boxes, beautiful things are possible.

Creating Your Own Upward Momentum with Matt Nelson

S08 | 04 – Creating Your Own Upward Momentum with Matt Nelson

Lindsay Recknell Hope, Podcast Leave a Comment

Today’s guest is Matt Nelson, and he believes that everybody has good in them. Yes, even your high school bullies. And he believes that with self-reflection and a shift in perspective, people have the capability to create upward momentum in their lives. No matter what your personal struggle is, you have the opportunity to make a difference and strive for greatness.