Claudia Velandia joins the podcast to discuss how we can better understand what’s going on in our minds so we can take control of our lives and maximize our potential.
S08 | 10 – New Perspectives on Living Your Best Life with Wayne Thomas
Wayne Thomas joins the podcast to share how adversity can give us new perspectives on what living our best life means.
S08 | 09 – Beginning Your Healing Journey with Lily Gibarac
Lily Gibarac joins me on the podcast today to share from her personal experiences how we can cultivate the ability to see past the pain and obstacles we experience in order to discover what we need to be healed and transform our lives.
S08 | 08 – Being Part of the Solution with Keith Harrison
And I really feel the message with that amongst first responders, because all this gear basically, is an act of service. So that, you know, first responders can wear and feel seen heard in a healthy way. But that really, the goal of this is the exposure towards mental health and really funding trauma programs and services for first responders and their families. So that we all live the best life, right?
S08 | 05 – The Human Spectrum with Gilda Evans
We are all human.
And even though we each have our differences, we all share at least one thing in common. We will all face challenges, shortcomings, and trials in our lives. That’s the beauty of the human experience. And if we embrace it instead of trying to force each other into neat little boxes, beautiful things are possible.
S07 | 12 – Showing Up for Yourself with Jahaan Blake
Jahaan Blake joins me on this episode of the podcast to talk about showing up, even when it isn’t easy. Even when it isn’t comfortable.Even when you just don’t think you have it in you to make your goals a reality. Because that’s how you make progress!
S07 | 10 – Forging Your Own Recovery with Corinne Simpson
Recovery isn’t one size fits all. You may have to break out of the box to forge a way to your recovery. That’s what today’s guest, Corinne Simpson, did, and she just recently celebrated her 20th year of sobriety! Despite her respect for programs like AA, they just didn’t work for her and what she wanted from her sobriety, so she found something that did. You can do the same.
Listen in as she shares the amazing possibilities and options for recovery that are out there, and how she was able to forge her own recovery and rebuild her life to be what she wanted.
S07 | 09 – Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver with Moira Cleary
Many people fit into the role of “caregiver”, such as parents, children, and leaders. But something that all different types of caregivers tend to have in common is that they are so focused on caring for others that they stop caring for themselves in the process.
You have your own journey and your own story as a caregiver, and it is not selfish to recognize that and give yourself space to just be yourself. Because caring for others is not all that you are or do.
Burnout: When you Have Nothing Else to Give
I realized I’d lost my hope the day I recognized I got it back. Totally innocuous moment – driving along, thinking of nothing important – when I sat up a little taller…and immediately slouched back down. Waves of emotion were rolling over me, from pride and relief, to fear and disappointment. I mean, I’m a reasonably self-aware person…how did I …
The old duct tape trick
I have two sisters and believe it or not, we didn’t always get along all the time. I remember one long road trip across the country when I was around 12 years old which would have made my sisters around 7 and 10. I should have been old enough to ignore their not-so-subtle attempts to drive me bonkers, but full …